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59. Food Fad-The World of Pizza, Pastas- Part 2

Oct 26, 2024

2 min read





The first visit to any other country, especially Usa is going to be exciting. The food outside in the restuarants were different to what we were exposed to.


I had crossed 50 and was slowly becoming very picky with food. Cakes, biscuits etc. with egg did not bother me much till around that time. And then I started avoiding any food with egg. In the beginning all kinds of biscuits an cakes were welcome.   Biscotti, a sort of rusk, was my favourite. ONe day as I wa casually looking at the ingredients, I was shocdked to know that it had eggs. So one of my favourite items was banned. Naturally doubts are created in the mind. The result. Looking at ingredient before eating. Sometimes  it may not be even possible to know the source of any ingredient. Just scratch the head and enquire. If no definite information can  be gathered then avoid. Safe than sorry.



and then the stomach started revolting.  It has always been recalcitrant. so may be it was at his usual behaviour. It became persistent. One of our nieces, during visit to our house, suggested that milk should be avoided since the milk in USA did not suit those visiting from India. So milk was given a bye bye. With that milk sweets/ And even after returning to India, milk was no longer a necessity.  Like in any mattter, if not more than a  couple, at least there were two opinions. Milk is good and a must. No,milk is not needed for our survival.This did not matter. I went by what suited me.  And the alternative to milk was soy milk. I did like it and still do. Though of late I haave taken to oat milk


And inevitably, as a natural proess, we started going to restaurants. As remarked, surprisingly wisely earlier, with age some fads and obsessions  develop. Initially without thinking or feeling anything I went to different restaurants. Pure vegetarian restaurants were hard to find. ONe could find vegan restaurants though. Even those catering to South Indian dishes had both vegetarian and non-vegetarian. In a few days’ time, my mind, if not my stomach, started protesting.

You, who do not like egg and now even milk, how dare go to succhch combined restaurants”” This brought a lot of pain and discomfort to my sons. They were vegetarians too but having been in USA for some time, they were used to eat vegetarian food wherever available. Solution?


Contd.  60 - Part 3

Oct 26, 2024

2 min read





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