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The nomad…

Aug 11, 2024

1 min read




The nomad…

This nomad had a purpose

Not just to roam but move 

A small bagful of money

And a big one full of clothes

And a bit of food, if needed

He moved

Seeing a hungry child, he gave part of his food

Which he shared with a beggar too

 A homeless shivering in the cold

Received his gift of some clothes

So too did an uncared for leper

He moved

A pregnant woman in need,

Received some of his money

Part was given to the scared victims

Of a natural calamity

He moved

As he moved, he parted with everything

Nothing but a loin cloth

But a goal in his mind.

He moved.

The sun gave him the energy

The wind his breath

The water quenched his thirst

And he felt no need of anything else

He moved.

Detached and emotionless,

Without temptation or desire and

Without any possessions

Except his one-pointed goal

He moved.

Afger moving for some more time

He merged.

Aug 11, 2024

1 min read





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